Next Issue: Summer Solstice! 

You are invited! Submissions are open. 

Click one of the blue buttons below to contribute an article, art, poetry or an update, sign up for a free copy, get a bundle, or donate:

Publication Information

Coordinating Editor: Brandon Letsinger
Layout Editor: Lansing Scott
Copy Editors: Sue Letsinger, Santiago Quiroga

Printed by Pacific Publishing in Seattle, WA
ISSN 2835-3455

All gifts are tax deductible. Gifts can be made monthly, quarterly or annually.

If you have an art piece, piece of poetry, article, update, or any type of contribution you would like to see included – please do.

About the Spoke

The Cascadia SPOKE is a new community publication to promote place based realities and provide a written hub where diverse voices, artists, poets and communities can share topics, issues and news most important to them in a physical format. Our first issue, coming out this winter, features work from more than 30 individuals and artists.

The Cascadia Spoke is a 501(c)3 program of the Department of Bioregion, a project of love, and a volunteer run community newspaper. If you like the work that we are doing, or what’s in it – please think about donating as a monthly or annual member.

The Cascadia Spoke is mailed out four times a year. Our two main issues go out for Winter Solstice and Summer Solstice. For the equinoxes we send bulletins around the themes “An Invitation” in Spring, and “Celebrations/Reflections” in Fall.

We are hoping that 40 people will join us sustaining members at $10/mo, all that is needed for printing and distribution costs of mailing four times a year. 


Thank You!

The Department of Bioregion, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We are a grassroots movement born out of passion and a love for bioregionalism. Your support means the world to us.